Print and Radio (in English)

International report - Italy: Calabrian towns reopen public places as locals and migrants work together

Italy: Calabrian towns reopen public places as locals and migrants work together Like many other Inland villages in the south of Italy, Camini was slowly dying, as the young people left to find work in the north of Italy or elsewhere in Europe. However, a revival has been taking place since 2011, when the Calabrian town began welcoming asylum seekers under the Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPAR).

International report - Italy: Calabrian villages get a new life thanks to migrants

Italy: Calabrian villages get a new life thanks to migrants Asylum seekers are helping to revive abandoned villages in Calabria, in Italy's south.Nicknamed "the city of immigrants" Riace has hosted up to 600 asylum seekers.In October last year, Raice's mayor, Domenico Lucano, was arrested and charged with aiding and abetting illegal immigration.But in the nearby village of Camini, 90 refugees are still living and participating in communal life. Pauline Bandelier went to Camini to see how this project works

International report - Argentina series part 2: A long history of discrimination

In the mountainous regions of north-western Argentina is where you can find descendants of the Diaguitas, an aboriginal ethnic group that migrated to this region in the 5th and 6th centuries. Suffering from discrimination since the Spanish invasion, they have seen their traditional knowledge erased to the profit of intensive industrial agriculture, which makes up 60 percent of cultivated land in Argentina. This is the second of a two-part series.